IRS’ Direct File: 1st Free Tax Filing Website is a Success

IRS’ Direct File: 1st Free Tax Filing Website is a Success 960 1200 Kim Beck


The Inflation Reduction Act continues to have a positive impact on everyday Americans.

This tax season, thanks to the IRA, the Biden-Harris administration rolled out a new website called Direct File, in order to provide free and easy tax filing services. The pilot program was launched in 12 states and the initial results point to a successful program, including:

  • With over 140,000 filings, exceeded goal of reaching 100k people
  • Cost of the software came in under budget
  • Feedback from 15,000 users resulted in 90% rating their experience Excellent or Above Average 
  • 61% found the free site more straightforward than the method they used last year
  • Users saved an estimated $5.6 million in tax preparation fees
  • Users claimed $90 million in refunds

Republicans are opposed to the program, claiming it is a waste of taxpayer money to give everyday Americans a free option to file their tax returns. 

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Sources: AxiosThe AtlanticIRSUS Treasury