We are a grassroots community

working to advance progressive values and to defend our democracy

The Downtown Nasty Women Social Group is a grassroots community of activists working together to make positive change in people’s every day lives.

We believe that the strongest America is one that values the freedom, equality, and safety of each individual regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, or immigration status.

Dem Facts

Each week we highlight one fact that you can share to help counter misinformation. Know the facts and spread them widely!

Trump’s Deportation of Immigrants Will Hurt US Economy, Will Risk National Security, and Will Cost a Lot of Taxpayer Money 150 150 Kim Beck

Trump’s Deportation of Immigrants Will Hurt US Economy, Will Risk National Security, and Will Cost a Lot of Taxpayer Money

As promised, Trump has wasted no time getting started with his immigration policies. Below are fact checks to some of…

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GOTV postcards
Women writing postcards

It Starts In The States

We see the need and opportunity to help shape government at the local and national level with those who are aligned with our progressive values.


State Legislatures

Affect our future in areas such as education, healthcare, voting rights, reproductive rights, safe gun laws, and climate policy.

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State governments effectively choose Congressional majorities by drawing districts that can be either fair or gerrymandered.

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Issues & Policies

Laws that start in the state often become national policies.

The latest from our blog

Vote Here

Our partnership with The States Project gives us control and transparency over how our money is allocated, gives us access to their vast amounts of research and experience in local elections, and allows us to focus on elections in which we can make a tangible difference.

We will continue to raise money for this important and successful work each year. We are committed to defending the blue majority in the Michigan House and flipping the Wisconsin Assembly from red to blue. Early money is a crucial element to electoral success.

Join us!

The Giving Circle

We started our Giving Circle in 2018 to raise money to support state-level elections.

state selection meeting

We’re raising for 2025!