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60 Years Strong – Head Start Gone Under Project 2025

60 Years Strong – Head Start Gone Under Project 2025 1165 1200 Kim Beck

FACT! Project 2025, if implemented under a Trump presidency, would eliminate Head Start, a federal program that has helped 38 million children by supporting early childhood care for low-income families.  Since…

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Violent Crime Lowest in 15 yrs; US Citizens Commit More Crime Than Immigrants

Violent Crime Lowest in 15 yrs; US Citizens Commit More Crime Than Immigrants 442 934 Kim Beck

FACT! Trump claims that immigrants are responsible for an increase in crime levels and that “migrants are killing our citizens at a level that we’ve never seen before.”  In fact, both…

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Project 25 is the MAGA Plan to Seize Power and Gut Checks & Balances

Project 25 is the MAGA Plan to Seize Power and Gut Checks & Balances 1200 1200 Kim Beck

FACT! “Project 2025 is the MAGA movement’s plan to consolidate power under a re-elected Trump and exert more control over everyday Americans’ lives.” —Hillary Clinton Project 2025 would give Trump…

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NY ERA is on the Ballot in 2024

NY ERA is on the Ballot in 2024 1200 687 Kim Beck

Fact! This November, the NY ERA will be on the ballot (the flip side). Here are some background facts: Most states have an ERA in their state constitution. NY does not…

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2 Year Anniversary of Dobbs Decision

2 Year Anniversary of Dobbs Decision 1200 833 Kim Beck

Fact: Since the Dobbs decision, Republican states are dismantling our freedoms and making it a hardship for women to get reproductive healthcare, while Democratic states are adding protections.  The state of abortion rights…

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Record Number of Americans Have Heath Care Coverage

Record Number of Americans Have Heath Care Coverage 1200 600 Kim Beck

Fact! Today, more people have healthcare coverage than at any other point in our country’s history. Under the Biden-Harris administration, outreach to minority communities has increased access to affordable healthcare.…

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84% of Commuters Use Mass Transit Into Manhattan

84% of Commuters Use Mass Transit Into Manhattan 1200 1200 Kim Beck

Fact! 84% of commuters come into Manhattan via public transit, only 14% come in by car.$1 billion in estimated revenues from Congestion Pricing were earmarked to make much needed improvements…

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NYPD: Major Crime Down in 2024

NYPD: Major Crime Down in 2024 1200 675 Kim Beck

Fact! In Manhattan, major crime is down in nearly every category over the past two years, including a 27% drop in murders and a 45% drop in shootings. Share this…

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1 Million PACT Act Claims Approved for Burn Pit Exposed Veterans

1 Million PACT Act Claims Approved for Burn Pit Exposed Veterans 960 1200 Kim Beck

Fact! A reminder on Memorial Day that as President, Biden: signed into law the PACT Act, the most significant expansion of benefits and healthcare for toxic-exposed veterans in more than…

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graphs about the economy

Wages Up & Inflation Down Predicted to Rise Under Trump

Wages Up & Inflation Down Predicted to Rise Under Trump 942 888 Kim Beck

Fact! Fighting inflation and lowering costs is the Biden-Harris top economic priority. Trump’s second term economic plans could make inflation skyrocket.  YOY inflation Signs of inflation getting under control after…

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